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megan miller

The artist behind Oh Honey Paper Co., Megan specializes in providing personalized experiences through design. She hears your story, sees the big picture, and feels that details and nuance are the best tools for communicating any message.

If you are celebrating love and life, she is ready to create invitations that convey your milestones through paper, envelopes, and vintage stamps. If you are embarking on a new career endeavor, she is eager to design business cards and letterhead that set you up for pride and success.

her joy is found in connecting dreams and reality.



Megan is originally from Texas, her studio is currently in Oklahoma City, and she serves clients globally. She stumbles upon inspiration everywhere she goes. From the extraordinary like the Scottish highlands and Turkish cathedrals, to the seemingly ordinary like the produce aisle at the grocery store - she is always searching. Artistic expressions have always captured her attention; at moments in her life, she has been a musician and a dancer. Though her piano and french horn have long been set aside, she still often tap dances in the kitchen while cooking dinner and frequents wedding dance floors with a French 75 in hand. Her current passion for calligraphy, illustration, painting, and graphic design have opened up both an internal world of expression and an external world of opportunity.



Thank you for taking this moment to be right where you are - reading this, viewing my work, connecting with me. I am truly humbled to meet so many passionate, kind, creative people through this journey. If you have an inkling that we should collaborate and create beauty together, this is your formal invitation to reach out and say so. I would love to dream with you and design for you.

With Gratitude,



“Kind words are like honey - sweet to
the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24

This proverb is the namesake of Oh Honey Paper Co. It fuels Megan’s love of writing and belief that each of us have the power to impact others positively with our words. The purpose behind every project is to spread kindness and healing.